diamond modules are 4 faders wide, with fast, silent motorized faders that respond instantly to layer changes, playout systems and remote operator input. Styled after our award-winning line of mc² audio production consoles, color-cued control buttons provide instant visual feedback for active functions; high-resolution TFTs above or below faders supply source information, confidence metering, and more. Two styles are available, with displays and control keys below or above the fader.
Central and Combo Modules feature comprehensive controls, with virtually every feature programmable to provide exactly the functions you need. The full-width Central Module provides superior control for large Master Control or production consoles. Combo Modules include two faders plus a full-featured control set, and like four-fader modules is available with ON/PFL buttons and displays placed either above or below the fader strips. Ambient light sensors automatically adjust the brightness of console displays.
Radio stations that demand configurability will find it in abundance with diamond. In addition to the fully programmable keys on each fader strip and Central Modules, diamond can also be outfitted with any or all of these useful extension modules.